Reply To: Solo recording while doing one’s own engineering…..

Welcome to SCGC Players Forum Forums Recording Studio Solo recording while doing one’s own engineering….. Reply To: Solo recording while doing one’s own engineering…..

Acoustic Soul

    Minimize everything as much as possible, keep it simple while you get a track down and then you can always retake or add complexity later.  It took me years to be able to do both at the same time and I’m still not great at it.  It’s just more fun to be one or the other.

    In the age we live in, everyone is so isolated.  Music happens when you come together with other people and I feel largely my generation is robbed of that by our own hand or otherwise.  No doubt things go better when you have some good teamwork, but sometimes you can really nail it yourself too.

    I think mostly just failing a lot and learning from those failures and enjoying the successes.  Something I struggle with as well, but going to school for music production helped.  Doing anything plugged direct in rather than mic’d up perfectly is easier.  I also agree, I don’t have much interest in recording.  I love to write and produce as well as mix and master, but just not the recording part.  I’d rather perform it

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Acoustic Soul.