Bourgeois DBJC Italian Spruce / Madagascan Rosewood Hide Glue Varnish Finish

Welcome to SCGC Players Forum Forums Buy and Sell Bourgeois DBJC Italian Spruce / Madagascan Rosewood Hide Glue Varnish Finish

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    • #7960
      Black Beauty

        I am in NYC for the next month if anyone is interested in buying this guitar, I can sell it for $5,000 if not purchased through Reverb and avoiding their fees. If no deal is made within the next month, I can also ship this guitar from Hong Kong, but shipping would cost extra (probably a couple of hundred bucks if you’re in the US).

        This is a guitar I traded a Collings for a few months back, I think DBJC stands for Dana Bourgeois Jumbo Cutaway (since it has the DB signature series’ appointments, such as Koa bindings and Madagascan Rosewood), although Dream Guitars says it stands for Deep Body Jumbo Cutaway:

        This is the ad from the original seller on AGF (please note that the guy from the AGF ad is the previous owner and not me – my e-mail address is cedarhsu @ protonmail . com):

        The lower bout is 15.5″ so it’s a similar size to a Gibson J-185, I believe. I don’t buy into the whole hide glue and varnish finish claims of improving tone and doubt it would have made any material difference to my ears if regular glue and regular finish was used.

        Italian Spruce is my favorite tonewood, it has the smoothness of Engelmann for fingerpicking and the snap of Adirondack for strumming. The harmonic sustain on this guitar on the 12th fret lasts for 20+ seconds, which based on my experience I’ve only really ever got on Huss & Dalton guitars (likely due to their top deflection building method). The aroma of the Madagascan Rosewood is also perfume-like and has a complex swirling overtone content that sounds like a reverbing echo coming back around a few times after a strum.

        Why am I selling it? Similar to buying blood diamond rings for an engagement, I’m just not a fan of the ethical implications of owning a Madagascan Rosewood guitar and would rather own something in Indian Rosewood if not for the fact that the trade value of an Indian Rosewood guitar would have been lower in comparison to the Collings I traded for this. Trades I would generally be open to considering are Breedlove / Collings / Eastman / Goodall / Huss & Dalton / Martin / Santa Cruz.

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